Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti Relief

True Story -- Unsolicited Haiti Relief Effort from Tela and Eliza!
(granted, the girls know about Haiti ... even before the quake; and since the quake, I know they have observed my own commitment to support relief efforts; however, the following truly was unsolicited!)

Tela walked over to me while I was sitting at the dining room table yesterday.
She says, "Mommy, I keep seeing things on the TV about Haiti."
I say, "I know. It's a very bad situation."
She says, "Haiti needs lots of help."
I say, "Yes, you're right. What do you think we can do to help."
Immediately, Tela says, "I don't know, mommy."
I say, "Well, you take some time to think about it and let me know. I know you will think of something; you always come up with good ideas."
I thought she would take some time to think. But, she didn't.
Tela says, "I know, mommy. I can empty my piggy bank for Haiti."

Tela marched right upstairs to her room to her bank. She began emptying it on to the dining room table. Eliza soon followed suit, saying, " I want to help Haiti, too. I want to help Haiti, too."

They each counted out change from their banks and put it into envelopes. Tela wrote "To.Haiti" I helped Eliza write the same thing.

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